ASEAN-Japan Youth Cooperation Network Project
We are pleased to announce that the MIRAI Institute of Politics and Economics has decided to establish the ASEAN-Japan Youth Cooperation Network, a framework that will enable the youth of ASEAN and Japan to interact with each other. Through this network, we will establish an alumni community where youth who have completed the program can gather with other youth while learning about the Indo-Pacific Initiative, and conduct workshops and policy proposals.

2019年6月、ASEAN首脳会議において、ASEAN独自のインド太平洋構想であるASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific (AOIP)が採択されました。AOIPでは、①背景と根拠、②インド太平洋に対するASEANの見解、③目的、④原則、⑤協力分野、⑥メカニズムの6つについて言及されています。
The Government of Japan is developing various measures in cooperation with other countries to realize a free and open Indo-Pacific (FOIP). International affairs have become increasingly complex, and tensions are higher than ever, especially in East Asia. According to the Japanese government, the FOIP is an initiative to “develop a free and open Indo-Pacific region as an ‘international public good’ by ensuring a rules-based international order comprehensively and transparently that emphasizes the centrality and unity of ASEAN to ensure peace and prosperity for the entire Indo-Pacific region and to bring stability and prosperity to all countries. The vision is to develop the free and open Indo-Pacific region as an “international public good”.
In June 2019, the ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific (AOIP), ASEAN's own initiative for the Indo-Pacific, was adopted at the ASEAN Summit in June 2019. The AOIP refers to six areas: 1) background and rationale, (2) basic perspective, 3) objectives, 4) principles, 5) areas of cooperation, and (6) mechanisms. First, (1) presents the recognition that a geopolitical shift is taking place in the Indo-Pacific region and emphasizes “the need to avoid deepening mutual distrust, miscalculations, and the emergence of zero-sum game patterns of behavior. The need for ASEAN, as an “honest mediator” to play a leadership and central role in shaping the vision for regional cooperation in the Indo-Pacific is asserted, citing as its rationale that “ASEAN has led the development of an inclusive regional cooperation architecture over the past several decades.” The paper goes on to argue for the need for ASEAN to play a central role in the region. Next, in (2), basic perspective as “a region of dialogue and cooperation, not competition,” “a region of development and prosperity for all actors,” and “a region in which ASEAN plays a central and strategic role” is presented. Then, in (3) and (4), the principles of the Indo-Pacific regional order and approaches to order-building proposed by ASEAN are presented, and in (5), a brief description of the contents of these areas of cooperation is presented.
As the AOIP indicates, to make the Indo-Pacific “a region of dialogue and cooperation, not competition,” with ASEAN playing a central role, it is necessary to disseminate the values of the Indo-Pacific regional order to each country, and in particular, it is necessary for the youth, who are expected to be responsible for policy formation in their countries in the future, to learn the principles of the regional order and approaches to order building.
In addition, it is hoped that mutual exchanges among the youth who understand the importance of the Indo-Pacific framework will build a relationship of trust and that the AOIP will become a sustainable and proactive framework.
Therefore, we will establish a program titled “ASEAN-Japan Youth Cooperation Network” for the youth to learn about the Indo-Pacific framework. The program will also establish an alumni community where young people who have completed the program can meet with each other and conduct various exchanges, workshops, and policy proposals.
日時:2024年8月13日 15時半~18時
会場:参議院議員会館 会議室
対象:ASEAN諸国からの留学生&日本の大学生・大学院生・社会人 30名 (プレ講座参加者を中心に)
参加費:6,000円 (懇親会費用は別途 4,000円)
1日目:午前 有識者による講演・ディスカッション/午後 課題共有・発表資料作成
2日目 午前 発表資料作成・発表準備/後半 発表/19時以降 懇親会
A course on the Indo-Pacific concept is organized for young people from Japan and ASEAN countries to provide them with an objective understanding of ASEAN from the Japanese perspective and Japan from the ASEAN perspective, as well as basic knowledge input on the Indo-Pacific concept.
① Pre-Event
Conduct a pre-event course on why ASEAN countries are important to Japan. Participants will be encouraged to understand the purpose of this program, the promotion of understanding of Japan, and the positioning of ASEAN countries from Japan's perspective.
Date: August 13, 3:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Venue: Conference Room, The House of Councilors Building (Participation with online will be available)
Target: 30 young people who will lead the next generation from one of the ASEAN countries and Japan
Lecturer: Dr. Masafumi Ishii (Special Visiting Professor, Gakushuin University, Former Ambassador of Japan to Indonesia)
Format: Explanation of purpose (15 minutes) + Lecture (60 minutes) + Q&A (15 minutes) + Discussion (60 minutes)
*Discussion will be held in groups to address the theme, and a presentation will be made at the end of the discussion.
Theme: Why are ASEAN countries important to Japan? (TBD) Participation fee: Free of charge
② 2days Roundtable
A two-day roundtable will be held for the youth who participated in the pre-event to deepen their understanding of ASEAN-Japan and discuss how Japan and ASEAN can cooperate as policies to realize the AOIP. Each group will be divided into two or three members to analyze the current situation, set up a tentative plan, discuss solutions, etc., and present on the final day.
Dates: Late August - Late September 2024 (TBD)
Time: 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Venue: Nagatacho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Target: International students from ASEAN countries & undergrad and graduate students in Japan, and working adults in Japan (in total 30 people) (main participants of the pre-course)
Participation fee: 6,000 yen
Theme: What can ASEAN-Japan do to realize AOIP? Format:
Day 1: Morning: Lectures and discussions by experts / Afternoon: Issue sharing and preparation of presentation materials
Day 2: Morning: Preparation of presentation materials and preparation for presentation / Late afternoon: Presentation / 7:00 p.m. or later: Reception
The Diet members will participate in the final presentation on the second day and receive an FB.
*Certificates will be issued to round table participants.
③ Creating the ASEAN-Japan Youth Cooperation Network
Creating the ASEAN-Japan Youth Cooperation Network, where only the roundtable participants of the 2nd roundtable can join. It will hold an annual meeting and some workshops at a legislative and administrative body in Japan, such as visiting policymakers.